
How to Use the Superlative in French french grammar french subjunctive how to compare in french indicative vs subjunctive in french irregular french subjunctives superlatives in french the least in french the most in french Apr 06, 2022

Are you talking about the most and the least in French? Then, you need to master the superlative. 

What is the superlative?

First, when we compare 2 things, we want a comparative like “better” or “more expensive than”... However, if we are highlighting something from...

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Simple Subjunctive I want you to in French how to give an order in french irregular french subjunctives je veux que subjunctive vouloir Feb 23, 2022

You can give orders using the imperative but there’s another way to do it: with the expression “je veux que”. In addition, this structure allows you to express desires.

In this post, I will help you decompose its pattern into a formula that can stick in your brain more easily....

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