How to learn French from listening activities: Resolutions for 2023 - B1 / B2

Jan 02, 2023

Bonne Année Bonne Santé!

Today let’s do something different. When it comes to learning a new language, dictation has fantastic results. Why? Because it requires a lot of concentration, deciphering the words in sentences, guessing the spelling, and so on.

If you struggle with your listening skills and are looking to have more fluid conversations with like minded people at your level of French, then check out how having a teacher support in small groups could make a massive difference to your spontaneous listening skills.

Here’s how joining Conversation Café can help you understand spontaneous spoken French more easily.

Click here to check out our conversation café sample.


The Benefits of Listening Exercises

Here’s why it’s so important to practise listening exercises: 

  • You want to understand French better when people speak to you
  • You can react faster because you’re more tuned in to understanding
  • You learn French as it is said, rather than from words on a page
  • You get used to the liaisons and those in-between words


How to Handle Listening Activities for your French 

Today, I have a mini listening activity for you - can you work out these New Year’s resolutions?

Listen to the following audio file and try to note everything you can. Repeat it as many times as you like.

Then, when you think you have finished it, read below to see its complete transcript.


Transcript and the Translation 

Je veux vous souhaiter à tous une bonne année et une bonne santé. Que cette année soit la meilleure de votre vie et qu’elle soit remplie de beaux souvenirs. 

Et bien, est-ce que vous suivez les traditions et est-ce que vous faites les promesses pour que l’année soit meilleure que la dernière ?

Moi - oui . . . mais les tenir est une autre histoire. 

Voilà mes promesses pour cette année - voyez si vous les comprenez . . .

Je sens que je me suis ‘laissé aller’, au moins physiquement. Par conséquence, je me promets de faire du yoga, au moins trois fois par semaine. Je vais le faire pendant une demie heure chaque fois. 

Puis, je ne sors pas assez avec mes chiens.  Donc, j’ai pleinement l’intention de sortir avec eux au moins une fois par jour. Qu’il pleuve ou qu’il fasse beau - il faut que je fasse ce petit effort. 

Et finalement, je cherche un peu plus d’équilibre dans ma vie: entre le travail et le temps libre. J’avoue donc, que je ne vais travailler ni le samedi, ni le dimanche. Sera-t-il possible ? Qui le sait, mais je vais m’organiser pour que ça soit une réalité. 

Et voilà mes intentions. 

Et vous … avez-vous des promesses ?  


And here’s the English . . .

I want to wish you all a happy New Year and good health. May this year be the best one of your life and filled with beautiful memories. 

Well, are you following tradition and making promises for this year to be better than the last? 

I am, yes . . . but keeping them is another story.

Here are my promises for this year - see if you understand them . . .

I feel that I have ‘let myself go’ at least physically. So, I promise myself to do some yoga, at least three times a week. I’m going to do it for an hour each time. 

Then, I don’t go out enough with the dogs. Therefore. I have every intention of going out with them at least once a day. Be it rainy or fine - I must make some effort.

And lastly, I am looking for a little more balance in my life: between work and free time. I state then, that I will work on neither Saturday or Sunday. Will it be possible? Who knows. I shall organise myself to make it happen.

And there are my intentions. 

And you  . . .do you have any promises? 

I would love to know!


Don’t despair if you don’t recognise all the words! This is the best exercise because the more you practise dictations, the easier it gets to understand French.

Get your free sample pack of Conversation café here!

My goal this year is to help you with your listening comprehension and offer you various listening activities during the year.

So, what are your resolutions for this year? I would LOVE to hear from you - even better, in French! Mieux, réopndez en français !

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